MPARTICLE ~fg>fg> >fg>~g? !0>Vc INFO Title : MagRack 2000 Publisher : CyberCraft Author : Carl Read Country : New Zealand Conditions : Public Domain Category : Art Released : July 1993 REQUIREMENTS Drives : 1 Memory : meg. COMPATIBILITY A500 wb 1.3.2 : YES A600 wb 2.05 : YES Display : PAL& This is the picture I knocked up&for this issue's cover. It was&produced using Turbo Silver 3 from Impulse Inc.& Those are supposed to be Compact&Discs if you're a bit unsure of what&they're meant to be. The CDs were&quite easy to model but when I started&rendering I hit a problem. I had&copied the CD cases exactly with the&inlay inside the plastic. This,&despite much playing around with the&plastic's transparency and the scene's&lighting, made it seemingly impossible&to get a good display of the pictures&on the inlays. In the end I gave up&and placed the pictures on the cases instead.& The only other major problem I had&was the usual one of too little&memory. Despite removing all the&unseen bits of plastic from the CDs I&was still running out of my two megs.&So it was a case of halving the size&of all the objects in the scene which&causes Silver to use less memory but&doubles the rendering time - sigh.&Thus the final render took over three&days. And that's only for the cover&picture which is non-interlace. I've&still to do the full interlace version&which will take over six days! Double sigh.& The only other problem was with the&RAW stencil which I got upside down&and didn't realise it till the end of&the full render. The full text reads&"RAW, Order Now And Don't Miss Out."&Perhaps it will be readable in the&interlace version. I couldn't rip any&pictures from Raw but hopefully that!makes up for it's non-appearance.& The eight pictures used are all&from the following disk magazines...&Amsmag, April 93; Stolen Data 10;&Satanic Rites 4; Freedom Crack 2;&Grapevine 14; Zircon 3; Cemetery News&2 and Sledgehammer 2. (I hope I've got&the numbers right.) I didn't get them&all reviewed this issue I'm afraid but&the ones that missed out, Grapevine,&Sledgehammer, Stolen Data and Raw,&will be done next issue - promise. I&haven't as yet managed to get&up-to-date versions of Raw or Stolen&Data so if anyone would like to pass&them on it would be appreciated. Ditto&for Scene Lyrics which I've never yet seen.& Disk mags on CD are not a crazy&idea either as it's already happening&on the PC and Mac. Come on Commodore,&sign up some of these before someone else does. ---- ""Making The Front Page: Page 1 of 2 Index Contents #"Making The Front Page: Page 2 of 2 Index Contents